Didiscus Madonna OUT OF STOCK


Also known as Blue Lace Flower, Didiscus Mixed Colours produce^A a delightful mixed selection with large flower heads of pink, rose, white and lavender. The small heads form in uniform large balls on erect stems up to 70cm in height which make this strain ideal as a cut flower. This^A variety^A flowers from^A July to August.

Pack size: 150 Seeds
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March to April.


Sow in pots or trays under glass at 18°C just covering seeds with fine compost.


As soon as seedlings are large enough to handle, prick off into trays or thin out 5cm apart. Grow on and gradually harden off for planting out in early May, spacing plants about 25cm apart.


July and August.


Use twigs or canes to provide support. A liquid feed will help increase flower size.














Use seed trays or plastic modules and a good seedling compost, preferably using a peat substitute. For small sowings standard pots can be used.

Firm the compost lightly and moisten before sowing. Very fine seeds, like Begonia (where there are more than 60,000 seeds to a gram) should be mixed with dry horticultural sand to avoid one big clump of seed, and to help see where the seed has been sown.

As a general rule, the depth of sowing depends on the size of the seed. Aim to cover the seed with compost or vermiculite to the same depth as the size of the seed. Very fine seed need not be covered at all.

Sow thinly and cover the tray with a sheet of glass with paper on top. Wipe the glass every day and inspect the tray for signs of germination. Sowings in pots can be enclosed in a polythene bag for the same effect.

As soon as seedlings break the surface, remove the glass and paper or polythene bag. If left under glass they will become leggy and weak. Keep moist with a fine spray.

When the first set of true leaves (not the seedling leaves) have formed they should be pricked off into trays, setting the seedlings about 4-5cm (1 1/2-2") apart. Always handle by the leaves and not the stem and use a fork or knife blade to ease them out of the compost. Keep in the shade for a couple of days after pricking off.

Gradually harden the plants by increasing ventilation and moving the trays into a cold frame and finally outside for 7 days before transplanting into the flowering site.






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