Bionova PK 13-14 250ml

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Liquid Phosphor-Potassium Complex for an exuberant flowering


Phosphor makes for the development of a healthy, extensive root system and an exuberant flowering. Potassium prompts the flowering, the so-called flowering potency. The combination of these two components in a bio-mineral form can be rightfully called a superbloomer. Therefore, this is an essential component for every cultivation

In BIO NOVA’s line of pure liquid mineral fertilizers (i.e. free of excess ingredients), Bio Nova has a very powerful and quick phosphor-potassium complex at her disposal called: BN P-K 13+14, which is directly absorbable. This fertilizer should be used in combination with BN Hydro Supermix, BN Soil Supermix or BN NFT-AQUA Supermix. A combination with one of these three, makes for a complete fertilization on hydro, soil or NFT-systems.

1st week of flowering : 25 ml./100 liter 2nd week of flowering : 75 ml./100 liter 3rd week of flowering : 100 ml./100 liter 4th week of flowering until the harvest: to a maximum of 125 ml./100 liter.

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